Saturday, March 28, 2020

Charmin Finale

Charmin the Musical, song 7, duet:

She: I'm sorry I sent you - that was outrageous.
And now that you’re back - are you maybe contagious?

He: I don’t think that I took chances much
But let me shower before we touch.

She: But what is that behind your back?

He: I have obtained the thing we lacked:
Twenty-four rolls tightly packed!

She: You did it. You did it. Why did I doubt you?
The truth is I never could live without you!

He: I did it. I did it. I feared that I couldn’t.
And if I didn't love you, I probably wouldn’t.

Both: Somehow love has the power to inspire us
To overcome anything, even this virus!

He: I must say you're looking unusually glamorous.

She: I must say I’m feeling exceptionally amorous.

Both: Perhaps we could somehow slip off to bed
In hazmat suits with hoods on our heads!

She: But before we start to get it on,
I’ve got to make a trip to the john.
So give me a roll of that Charmin I crave.

He: This may be the best gift that I ever gave!

She: Love invites fights

He: But is somehow disarmin’

She: I'll be your princess.

He: I'll be your Prince Charmin!

Both: And on that fair note, without further issue,
We wrap up our tale of extra soft tissue!

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