Monday, February 11, 2008

Hillary's Daughter Complains

Chelsea Clinton, who works for a hedge fund, complained publicly about her health care coverage:
"If you have health care and you're not happy with it -- like me who has employer provided health care, but I'm not happy with it -- and if you are one of the 100 million who are uninsured at some point throughout the year... you'll be able to buy into a Congressional health plan," Chelsea Clinton said in a Milwaukee appearance broadcast, in part, on MSNBC today, in which she described her mother's healthcare plan.
Your mom just loaned herself 5 million dollars. You're working at a hedge fund. Quit complaining about your own health care. You can afford to pay for everything out of pocket.

If you think it's bureaucratic
And doesn't pay enough
But you think you'll be ecstatic
When your mother's plan gets in...

I'd ask you, please, to think again.
Eventually they'll start to ration stuff
And that's when the going gets rough.

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