Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Downsizing the Domicile

Guilt can lead to spectacular displays of conspicuous non-consumption:
Or your child may wonder why you have twice the home you need. Kevin Salwen and his wife were so taken by their daughter’s conviction in this particular matter that their family of four decided to sell their 6,500-square-foot home. They bought a new one less than half the size and are giving away about $850,000, more than the price difference between the homes.
What a great story this would make, told casually over an after-dinner brandy. "Oh, this place? Yes, we chose it because the other place was just too big. Felt we owed it to the planet to sell it off. Gave the profit to charity. It was the right thing to do."

Guilt is a thing that gnaws at your gut.
And there's no shortage. There's a glut.

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