Sunday, November 20, 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
The serpent whispered that the tree of knowledge would confer
Godliness upon them both, knowing good and evil.
She tasted of the fruit, and then self-consciousness came to her,
And she glanced around the garden as her heart thumped with upheaval.
Grasping that she was naked, which felt both good and bad,
She made a garment out of leaves, but still felt poorly clad,
Then she gazed upon the serpent and asked: are you the devil?
He hissed: I’m just a messenger, telling it on the level.
Welcome to your future, leave the animals behind.
Accept that you must now live with the burden of your mind.
It will weigh on you at times, but it’s a gift that keeps on giving,
And all of your descendants, for their untold years of living,
Will second guess themselves at times, and ask: did I do right?
And ponder moral quandaries deep into the night.
Sunday, November 06, 2022
Into the Midst
Saturday, November 05, 2022
Coming to Life
Performances of their plays.
They hold to some ideal standard
And prefer to avert their gaze.
But my standards run to the practical,
So I think it’s fun to see
Actors bravely tackling
Lines written by me.