Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Freshman at Tulane
She was still there with her car when evacuation time arrived. So she drove him back home again to Oak Park, Illinois.
His life's thrown off a bit,
But I count him fortunate
Next to those who really got hit.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Trials? We don't need no stinking trials!
Six years is quite a while
To be jailed without a trial.
If this guy were a terrorist, it would be a big deal, I suppose.
But he's just some pervert rapist, so I guess that anything goes.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Horseman, Pass By
Another scare story turns to crap.
N'Orleans is still on the map.
EDIT: It's turned out badly, just not as badly as a direct hit would have been.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Sponges On The Road
You see, a certain company makes a water bottle you mount on the front of your bike so you can drink through a straw while you ride. This bottle does not have a normal top. It has a yellow sponge you are supposed to stick in the top. It works fine. Until you hit a good bump. Then the yellow sponge goes flying.
Yes, this happened to me two weeks ago. It didn't happen today because I used some bigger sponges that Marsha bought me. They stayed put.
Note to cyclists: AVOID ALL BUMPS
Or your sponge might get dumped.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Featherless Bi-ped
I thought of this last night while watching some show about Human Origins on the the History Channel. Humans are distinct from apes in many ways, of course. You've seen the list. Walking upright on two feet (bi-pedalism). Opposable thumb. Tool making. Speaking. Reasoning. Concept forming. Bigger brained. Long lived. Etc.
Paleontologists now think that the first of these traits to appear - the first step, as it were, away from apeness, was walking on two feet. It had the immediate advantage of letting us see farther. It had the subsequent advantage of freeing up our hands to use tools. Bigger brains allowed us to make better tools.
At least, that's the story as they see it now.
In days of yore,
The ape that walked
Came way before
The ape that talked.
On a different note, the TV show said that "Lucy", the famous bipedal fossil hominid, was named after the Beatles song, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.
To the tune of Lucy In The Sky:
Picture yourself in the past in a world
Where gigantic predators thrive and abound.
Suddenly someone is there in the grass land
The girl with two feet on the ground.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Outside The Box
Scantily clad and frolicking on rocks.
I'll grant that it's a funny thing to do.
But the zoo's spokesman says that we're a pox
Upon the planet. I don't know about you,
But I resent being called a plague. He mocks
Our success - mocks the way we grew
In knowledge and power and overcame all blocks.
We've overrun the world. That much is true.
We humans are hard to keep inside a box.
That's why it's funny to see us put on view,
Like wild beasts confined by moats and locks.
Only one species eyes the moon and stars
With plans to visit. That's us. Next stop, Mars.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Have Roddenberry, Will Travel
We watched one of the episodes he wrote tonight. In classic Roddenberry fashion, the show began in the middle of the story, had a fair amount of action, and took the moral high ground.
Still, there's no confusing the hero of this show with Roddenberry's later heroes.
Of course
He has a horse,
And arrives
Without warp drive.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Who can find a good solution?
I think the person who could help the most
Would be James Madison's ghost.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Empty Nesters Again
A lot of things went bad for Oedipus, but at least he never had to appear on the Jerry Springer show.
You know a guy's had a bad surprise
When he cries and rips out his eyes.
Monday, August 22, 2005
I think that's part of the appeal of monotheism: One God, one divine will, one correct choice! It may not be easy to find the correct way out of an apparent moral quandary, but a single supreme lawgiver is seen as creating non-contradictory laws, even if he moves in mysterious ways.
What are the odds
That separate gods
Will all agree
On a single decree?
Anyway, I was thinking today that this is tangentially related to the secular question: does your life have a singular purpose or value, or does it just have a set of sometimes contradictory purposes and values? Ayn Rand says your overriding value is your life and your overriding purpose is your happiness. Some complain that you just don't need overriding values or purposes, that you can get by with a variety of goals. But this leads you to the question of how you choose when your various goals have a conflict, which reminds me somehow of the poor pagan Greek with a set of conflicting choices and no way to resolve them.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Can't Stop Running
Stop the running craze!
People have way too much fun finishing 5K's.
And you wouldn't believe the "hard stuff" going on
At your typical marathon.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
You Might As Well Face It, You're Addicted To...
Which leads me to wonder: what then is the literal sense?
If Oreos are "addictive"
I fear the concept's fictive.
At the end, the Air Force Thunderbird team of F16Cs started zooming around doing precision drills. They were awesome - they can go faster than 1300 mph. I want one! But they weren't able to do their whole routine because a small piece of one aircraft fell off into the lake. Someone on the radio thought it was a thing on the wing that allows you to attach air-to-air missiles to the plane.
That didn't sound like a very important part. The 6 planes were all still flying fine, as judged by the naked eye from the ground. So why couldn't they just finish the show? Don't they know - the show must go on?
Then again, would you want to do precision drills - flying way too close to other supersonic planes - when you've been shaking parts off your wing? Perhaps not.
You've got a good excuse
When parts start shaking loose.
Friday, August 19, 2005
They can kill with just one swipe
But cannot change their stripes.
Translating Poetry
Classical Japanese poetry does not rhyme, but classical Chinese poetry does rhyme - consistently. If you only read Chinese poetry in English translation, you could go a long time without finding out that originally it rhymed. I know I did.
My view is that all poetry translation involves trade-offs, and that one is the choice between writing something that sounds like the original, versus something that sounds good in the new language.
Of course, translating the imagery, and the allusions, and the connotations - all that stuff is hard, too.
As for me, I think it's debatable
Whether poetry's really translatable.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Joe Dejan
But I prefer to think of his long and amazing life. Originally a French citizen, he had lived in both North Africa and France before settling in the United States. He was highly accomplished in track and field, gymnastics, and judo.
Apparently he was quite the swimmer as a boy, spending hours swimming in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Africa. Once he was out so long that his distraught parents had search parties looking for him. He didn't realize at first that they were looking for him, so he joined one of the search parties!
He knew Camus and Sartre, he wrote as a critic, painted canvases that sold well, and even designed a typeface that is still in popular use today.
He was charming
And disarming.
And though it was expected,
I'm dejected
That he's gone.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Spam I Am
Catch the new low rates!
Turn your career up a degree!
Increased Sperm Count/Motility!
Yes, those are from my current buffer of 50 spam messages.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Free Advice
I had actually looked at this book in the store before. It looked funny, insightful, but aimed at people in the dating marketplace. Then I realized a friend had written it, and I had to have it.
It alternates serious with humorous advice.
"Don't be afraid of the person who calls you ugly, because coming around the next corner will be someone who is convinced that you should be the next Speaker of the House. You cannot predict, much less control, what other people will think of you. Your opinon is the one that really matters."
"The right sheets are very important. Kiddie-cartoon sheets should be left in the crib. No woman wants to make love to a man on top of Tweety-Bird."
Alas, poor Tweety,
Have your heard?
Your wonderful sheets
Are for the birds.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Some have long drawn out sex scenes. Some have no sex scenes at all, although the protagonists will almost certainly kiss and hug rapturously. The structure of the genre is: man and woman fall in love with each other and overcome obstacles to find lasting commitment with each other. The love involved is always charged with desire, and the novels are always meant to be erotic in that sense. But, unlike "pornography", there is no loveless sex in Romance novels. The protagonists may well experience their initial attraction as pure unbridled lust, but eventually it dawns on them that they have fallen hopelessly in love.
Chemistry may lead the way,
But true love carries the day.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
All Wet
A lady working for the race told us that the lake was very warm - 81F - and that consequently it was very unlikely that we would be allowed to wear wetsuits. (Wetsuits make you warmer, and they become dangerous when you swim in very warm water because you can overheat.)
She didn't just say "very unlikely." She said it was "99.99 percent certain" that wetsuits would be banned. That means there would only be a one in ten thousand chance that wetsuits would be permitted.
So I didn't bring my wetsuit with me this morning. And, in an apparent application of Murphy's Law, wetsuits were indeed allowed. And all the other guys my age seemed to have wetsuits.
The result was that I had a poorer swim placement that usual. You see, wetsuits make you faster, too! Oh, well. I still had a fun race.
Unless the ban is absolute
Make sure to bring your suit.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Speaking of Nudity
I just hope the caucus
Doesn't get raucous.
Friday, August 12, 2005
That's one swim I don't want to do.
Just thinking about it my body is turning blue.
The Unnamed
The organization he is referring to is undoubtedly The Objectivist Center. He just doesn't refer to it by name. Nor does he give a source for his assertion. Curious.
Probably a footnote mentioning its name
Would lend it too much fame.
The world looked extremely new.
I wasn't used to breathing air
And hadn't brought a thing to wear.
But - lucky for me - my Mom was there!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Two Wives Too Many
Apparently he had never bothered to introduce his wives to one another.
His wives became upset
At this breech of etiquette.
Tie Fabrication
But if you look at the original photo - which is included in the book itself - you will NOT see the bottom of his tie. Instead you will see the backs of other people's heads, blocking our view of Branden's tummy.
On the cover, those heads have been erased, and replaced by extrapolated neckwear.
Why, oh why,
Did they paint in a tie?
Just Wondering
Are all those other countries our soldiers go to the Roamland?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Juror Furor
Sure, now they tell us!
"Unanimous" jury verdicts do not always represent full agreement among members of the jury. Rather, unanimous verdicts often represent compromises among jurors who are eager to go home. It it weren't for this tendency, there would be a lot more hung juries.
It's worth noting that these particular recanting jurors are talking book deals.
"They bullied me, they pressured me, I had to go along,
But now I've got a book deal so I'll sing a different song!"
Monday, August 08, 2005
Emotional Vibrations
I never thought she had anything extrasensory in mind. I always figured she would have said that the baby was picking up sensory cues and integrating them to form an emotional impression at a subconceptual level. Or something like that. After all, if a dog can do it, why not a baby?
What mysterious factor
Allows us to watch an actor
And "get" that he's feeling down
When he frowns?
Rainy Night in Georgia
It was rainy last night in Georgia, but now I'm in North Carolina where it's dry.
Marsha and I were hosted in Georgia by the Fellowship of Reason folks, and had a great time. I rode a jetski for the first time in my life, and I now see how it could rapidly become addictive. The lake house at which we stayed had no phones and no broadband. So rhyme-of-the-day missed a day. I wasn't even able to pick up a wireless signal!
I was wireless-less,
I guess.
This morning, at their big monthly meeting, Marsha spoke to them about her new college project, and I talked about my novel, Unholy Quest, and did a book signing. It was great fun with great people. Mark Berger, Montessorian extraordinaire, then drove us up a couple of states to North Carolina.
Here, lucky me, they have wireless
So I can continue my tireless
But nonetheless terse
Daily verse.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Free Money
To share ill-gotten wealth - to fill my coffers
With somebody's else's inheritance.
These Not-So-Good Samaritans
Intrude upon my existence
With repetitive insistence
That cash in large amounts
Will be wired to my accounts -
But first they need from me
A little fee.
Whatever shall I do?
It's almost too good to be true!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Old Lesson
So every time the teacher gave her a hard time - which was freqently enough - it tore my heart.
The teacher would stand her up in the front of the room and ask her the same question over and over again to see if Laura would somehow come up with the right answer. It could be a lesson the teacher just taught, but Laura would stand there like a deer in the headlights, mortified by her own failure to understand, and meekly submit to ridicule. Often enough, the class would be laughing.
And I had to sit there and watch, knowing the correct answer, unable to give it, knowing the teacher was doing Laura no good, feeling sure that I could do a better job of teaching Laura than the teacher was doing.
So that's one very personal reason I like Montessori schools. Because it just wouldn't happen there.
Tormenting the slow
Is no way to go.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Invisible Man Finished
The novel's important symbolic truth, to me, is the tendency of whites and blacks alike to treat black people as "representatives of their race" and then assign them all corresponding responsibilities, whether to obey, rebel, succeed, etc. So the individual becomes invisible, masked by his assigned role.
The part of the book I liked best was the long section on the Communist Party, known in this book as "the brotherhood". Our hero joins and becomes a prominent speaker for the party, but ends up very disillusioned indeed as he realizes that the party is just using him, and just using blacks in general, for its own nefarious goals.
It was published in 1952 and was, for a time, a very influential book; I would recommend it for its historical perspective on black and white relations.
Hidden behind assigned roles,
It's hard to find individual souls.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Golden Escape from Alcatraz
There were 500 swimmers. One of them was Jake. Jake came in 72nd place.
He swam the whole way in a fur coat.
That's because he's a golden retriever.
I have to say Jake's time
For the 1.2
Is notably faster than mine.
I bet he can outrun me too.
What's a poor human to do?
But here's a fact I like:
I can beat him on the bike.
Shocking Ruling
The Cook County medical examiner ruled that what killed the man was the Taser jolt. The Taser company doesn't like this ruling because they sell Tasers as non-lethal weapons. So it's the wrong kind of publicity.
Their theory is that he wouldn't have died if he weren't high on meth, which already had his heart beating funny.
The medical examiner's theory is that he was already high on meth, and his heart was still beating - until he got Tasered.
Shall we assign complicity
To the jolt of electricity?
Or was it really death
By meth?