Saturday, December 30, 2023

Ceres Above Lasalle Street

Goddess of Grain, standing among the clouds, 
Atop the tower called the Board of Trade, 
One hundred years, almost, you’ve watched the crowds 
That fill the streets below, like a parade 
Of hungry life, the market-makers hustling, 
The lawyers squabbling as the deals get made, 
And back behind the scene, the bankers bustling 
To pile the money up, and then to lend it 
All out again in hopes of getting more. 
Life must go on - unless you want to end it - 
It must keep cycling through a central core: 
Production and exchange keep people fed, 
The bounty of the harvest widely spread.

Ask Your Doctor

 Ask your doctor if X is right for you!

That’s what they say - and so that’s what I do. 

I call my doctor every week, you see,

To find out if each med is right for me,

Especially when I cannot figure out 

What X is for - I give my doc a shout. 

And here’s his oddest recommendation yet:

He said I should get off the internet

And skip through all commercials on TV

That show a happy person running free

Through open fields with some mysterious glee

While droning voices list the side effects

That fall upon poor patients like a hex.