Probably she had a bunch of Massachusetts people believing in jackalopes (pictured above), and she just kept going with this wacky stuff about "pow wow chow" with Grey Poupon, and her parents having to elope because her mother was 1/16th Native American, and the latest story about her grandma driving a wagon in a land rush.
Maybe instead of "she misspoke"
it's just that she was telling a joke.
Surely the voters will be good eggs
once she admits she's been pulling their legs.
Pure ambition. Without the initial lies she'd have likely gone to unexceptional schools and very likely not taught at exceptional ones.
With the reward mechanism in place, and never a sanction to be seen, a mythology arises...and with it the impressive arrogance of a pathological liar.
During my time at Boalt Hall, there were (at least) two professors who rode the same train to the top. I assume they'll know better than to run for office.
*To be clear, I mean two by-all-appearances-white professors who played the Lauded Minority card heavily. Not clear that they outright lied about anything.
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