Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken pot pie? 
The name is such a lie. 
It doesn’t contain any pot! 
You’ll feel quite full, but not... 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Hard to Walk Without

Lately it occurs to me,
How much can hinge upon a knee.
I’m rambling on without a point,
But it may be my favorite joint!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Starved Rock Video


In the midst of pandemic doom,
We produced it on Zoom.

Possibly a Misleading Clue

Icicles on my eyebrows are a clue 
That snow removal's what I love to do.

Friday, February 12, 2021

In A Past Life

In a past life, I had some other job. 
Not a computer programmer, that's for sure. 
I doubt I was the leader of a mob. 
I'd hate to think I was a stuck-up snob! 
But fortunately my past lives are obscure, 
Wonderfully lost somewhere in the mists of history, 
Without hypnosis, doomed to remain a mystery, 
And that's a good thing - it means I cannot regret - 
I cannot recall, and analyze, and fret 
Over what I did wrong through all those lives. 
Perhaps I was a sharpener of knives, 
That would have appealed to my conscientious side, 
Putting a glistening edge on tools gone dull, 
Singing while working, keeping my own heart full, 
Making up words for tunes the world supplied.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Folk vs Faux Etymology

 The neighing of horses stabled nearby

Use to bore people senseless - so much they would cry. 

This I have always understood 

Is the source of our modem day term: “neigh-bore-hood”. 

Monday, February 08, 2021

Today's Adventure

Got car stuck in snow, 
Called up Triple-A tow. 
But dug it out myself 
And canceled the call for help. 
Be careful when you sally 
Forth in a snowy alley!

They told me they'd get to me in about 16 hours. I'm sure they're backed up with calls like this. But I didn't want to leave my car in the middle of an alley that long!

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Degrees of Difference

In most of the world, minus degrees 
Are said to start when you C water freeze. 
But in the United States, I am told, 
The negatives start when it’s too F-ing cold.

Friday, February 05, 2021


He battled widespread age discrimination

And became the oldest leader of our nation -

I believe that's cause for celebration!

At least it helps me overcome my fear

That it's too late for me to start a career

In politics - I might just run next year!

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Garment Free

I wonder if babies feel stressed 
At being born undressed. 
Do they notice that everyone's staring 
At what they're not wearing?

Monday, February 01, 2021

Medical History

Measles, normal and German, 
Chickenpox and Mumps... 
There were no vaccines yet for them, 
When I was a kid. So I took my lumps.