Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bashing the Pursuit of Cash

David Boaz wrote in the Wall St. Journal today about our leading presidential candidates:
There is a whiff of hypocrisy here. Mr. Obama, who made $4.2 million last year and lives in a $1.65 million house bought with the help of the indicted Tony Rezko – and whose "elegant suits" and "impeccable ties" made him one of Esquire's Best-Dressed Men in the World – disdains college students who might want to "chase after the big house and the nice suits." Mr. McCain, who with his wife earned more than $6 million last year and who owns at least seven homes, ridicules Mr. Romney for having built businesses.
Millionaire politicians
preaching public service
make me nervous.

Why are they so quick to condemn
those who wish to be rich - like them?

I do have my suspicions.

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