Saturday, March 02, 2013

Shoe Shrinkage

I ordered a new pair of running shoes. Same brand and model as usual. Well, it was the 2013 model. They are always fiddling with running shoe design.

When I put them on, they seemed to fit.
But then, after I had run in them a bit,
they seemed to have less room for my toes
than the ones from last year. So I supposed
they had been re-designed with a smaller toe box.

But today I realized, with a bit of a shock,
that I'd ordered a twelve instead of thirteen.

What a moron, if you know what I mean,
and I'm sure you do.

I ought to know the size of my own shoe!

Actually, I usually get a 12 in normal shoes, and a 13 in exercise shoes. Somehow, when I was ordering, my brain slipped a gear.

I have a reputation, life-long, of being absent-minded, so busy with my imagination that I sometimes lose track of reality. Well, reality doesn't like being ignored, and struck back again!

These wrong-size shoes, that I hardly wore
are now at the local charity store,
and shall grace my feet... nevermore.

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